Services in WA
This website is not affiliated and has no links with the memory clinics shown.
The information on the memory clinics has been collected from publicly available information.
Memory Clinic Royal Perth Hospital & Inner City
Ph: 9224 2099
Fx: 9224 3339
E: [email protected]
- Map:
Operating hours |
| Monday to Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 8am-430pm |
What they do: |
Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) score greater than 23/30 to RPH (any age/any catchment) MMSE score less than 23/30 to St John Of God Mt Lawley (must be greater than 65 yrs old & in catchment)
Referral info required |
E-referral via Central Referral Service. Can also be referred via GP/RITH/ACAT. MMSE completed.
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | No
Other services available
Full Allied Health support available in the Day Therapy Unit (DTU). Home visiting offered.
Memory Clinic Bentley
Ph: 9416 3769
Fx: 9416 3688
Operating hours |
1:30pm to 5:00pm (Tuesday)
9:30am to 12:00pm (Wednesday)
1:30pm to 5:00pm (Wednesday)
12:30pm to 4:30pm (Friday)
What they do: |
Referrals go through to SPOR (Single Point of Referral) at Bentley who refer out to either Allied Health team for interventions or more specialist areas within memory clinic (Geriatrician review/clinical psych review) for memory evaluations; depending on patient needs.
Referral info required |
E-referral via Central Referral Service with d/c summary and MMSE if avail. Can also refer via GP.
Doctor signature required | yes
Transport available | No
Other services available
Depending on dx access to Geriatrician and Clinical Psych , OT, SW and Physio available in the Day Hospital.
Memory Clinic Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Ph: 9346 2644
Fx: 9346 4966
Operating hours |
8am to 4pm Mon & Thurs
What they do: |
Team consist of: Consultant/Advanced Trainee Regisrars, Clinical Psychologist, ACAT Assessment team, Allied Health – OT, SW, Physio and Social Services. Process: Referral triaged 1/2/3. If suitable: home visit / ACAT Ax requested. Initial appointment: Nursing ax – cognitive ax, screening. Family member required to attend for collateral history. Then seen by registrar/consultant-further cognitive assessment Group therapy programs avail run by OT. Physio balance classes available. Carers can be linked to Carer Support Programs.
Referral info required |
Anyone can refer.
Referrals can be sent via mail or fax Hospital referrals via e-referrals system
Need to include: - Phone number of client + second number for family/friend - Full Medicare number - Country of birth - Reason for referral - Name and contact number of person referring - Name of Dr (if Dr not referring) - *If female – include maiden name
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | Two way hospital transport available.
Other services available
Clinical psychologist available Mon & Thurs OT, SW, Physio, counselling services available in the Day Hospital.
Memory Clinic Armadale Health Service
Ph: 9391 2250
Faxed: 9391 2262
Operating hours |
Monday – Friday
What they do: |
Part of Community Rehabilitation All patients undergo a baseline interdisciplinary assessment and have access to allied health review if required.
Referral info required |
E-referrals from hospital must include GP details CRS via GPs Triage – if require urgency and if require After Hours.
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | No
Other services available
Monthly Carers Group – every 3rd Tuesday of the month: e-referral or CRS to Community Rehabilitation social worker.: 9416 3769
Memory Clinic Fremantle Hospital
D4 Rehab Centre Moss St
Ph: 9431 3650 Fx: 9319 8655
Senior Social Worker – Lisa Vance
Ph: 9431 2553
E: [email protected]
Operating hours |
General memory clinic - Mon to Fri 0830-1600.
Memory evaluation unit (MEU) assessments conducted Tues afternoon/ Weds morning (3 appts per week available)
What they do: |
Initial evaluation completed by Geriatricians in MEU.
If deemed suitable then assessments conducted by: Social work Clinical & Psych Registrar
Following assessments either: -Access to Memory clinic -Access to Mild Cognitive Impairment Closed Group (8 week course) – addresses strategies for maintaining healthy cognition -Follow ups (for mild cog/n impairment, dementia)
Referral info required |
E-referral via Central Referral Service to D4 Rehab Centre.
Patient must be in catchment for D4 Rehab centre.
Mild Cog Impairment Group accessible to all D4 Rehab centre patients; not just those in MEU
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | Only if patient lives in local area.
Other services available
Clinical Psych, OT, SW and Physio available in D4 Rehab Centre.
Memory Clinic Joondallup Hospital
Ph: 9400 9806
Fx: 9400 9496
Operating hours |
Day Therapy Unit
Mon to Fri 0830-1600
What they do: |
When referral received, case discussed at weekly meeting. This instigates: -Home ax -Initial Nurse ax: MMSE -Tests: ECG/BP/MRI/CT scan/bloods/CAMCOG -Specialist Doctor appointment (as at 5/7/17 – 3 months w/list) -Access to Allied Health team as required
Referral info required |
Fax Referral. Can also be referred via GP/RITH/ACAT. Must be >65 years and living in catchment.
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | One-way taxi service can be provided
Other services available
Clinical psychologist. Dietetics, OT, SW, Physio and Speech available in the Day Therapy Unit. Close relationship with Osborne Park Hospital, ACAT and RITH
Memory Clinic Osborne Park Hospital
Ph: 9346 8111,
Fx 9346 8232
Fx: 9346 8043 (ACAT) | Day Therapy Unit
Operating hours |
Mon/Tues/Thurs 0830-1600
Fri 1200-1600
What they do:
Provides multidisciplinary assessment and intervention, which may include changes in medical treatment and the provision of community support services for the patient and the family.
Referral info required |
E-referral via Central Referral Service. Form (see appendix 1) or following link:
Can also be referred via GP/RITH/ACAT.
Doctor signature required | yes
Transport available | Taxi voucher available for journey home.
Other services available
Memory Clinic Peel Hospital
Ph: 9531 8000
Operating hours |
| 8 – 12 noon Monday and Thursday
What they do: |
Peel Health Campus offers both private and public rehabilitation. In conjunction with the consultant geriatrician, a memory clinic has been established. This service provides diagnostic assessment for people with memory loss, and assists the patient and their family to understand these processes, and where possible to put strategies in place to reverse or slow the process.
Referral info required |
GP referral only.
Doctor signature required | Yes - GP
Transport available | No
Other services available
Multidisciplinary team-based approach, including specialist medical, nursing and allied health professionals.
Memory Clinic Rockingham Hospital
Ph: 9599 4000
Fx: 9599 4700
Operating hours |
8am to 4pm Tues/Weds/Thurs
What they do:
Once referral triaged and priority given clinic makes contact with NOK to make initial appointment.
1st apt with Nurse. If deemed suitable for memory clinic then case reviewed and seen by Consultant Geriatrician
Referral info required |
Referral by GP or hospital consultant. Also accepted by RITH/ACAT. Fax referrals only to 9599 4700. Triaged by triage officer. P1 (up to 4 weeks w/list), P2 (4 to 6 week w/list), P3 (up to 6 months w/list).
Doctor signature required | yes
Transport available | No
Other services available
No other Allied Health/Clinical Psych services available at memory clinic. Sourced through community rehab.
Memory Clinic St John of God Hospital Mt Lawley
(previously Mercy Hospital)
Ph: 9370 9222
E: [email protected]
Operating hours |
Day Therapy Unit – Mon to Fri 0830-1600
What they do: |
Specialist Gerontology review - Social work input - ACAT assessment- Clinical Psych assessment- Full medical tests /medicationss review - Telephone support - Group sessions available. Run 3 to 4 times per year. Mainly directed at Carers: educational sessions on diagnosis/behaviours of concern/strategies/carer burden Patients reviewed every 3-4mths
Referral info required |
E-referral via Central Referral Service. Can also be referred via GP/RITH/ACAT. MMSE completed. MMSE score less than 24/30 to St John (must be greater than 65 years & in catchment) MMSE score greater than 24/30 to RPH (any age/any catchment)
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | No
Other services available
Full Allied Health support available in the DTU. Home visiting offered. Telephone support.
Memory Clinic St John of God Hospital Midland
Ph: 9462 4030 (outpatient)
Ph: 9462 4293 (referral)
Fx: 9462 4085
Operating hours |
Nurse Clinician: Mon/Tues 9-11am
Consultant/Registrar: Mon 9am-12pm
Weds 130-4pm
What they do: |
Once referral triaged and priority given the clinic makes contact with Next of Kin to make an initial appointment.
1st apt with Nurse.
If deemed suitable for memory clinic then case reviewed and seen by Consultant and Registrar.
Memory Group – 6-week course run by OTs for carers and patients.
Referral info required |
Hospital referral: see for referral form. Send referral to [email protected]
SJofG prefer GP to be linked in with referral. GP referral: via Central Referral Service
Doctor signature required | No
Transport available | If required.
Other services available
Clinical Psych, OT, PT and SW also available.
Get to know us
Our clients
Older people more than 65 years old. Usually with a memory problem of longer that 6 months duration. They may have associated issues such as anxiety, sleep disorders. They may also have a history of physical illness such a Parkinson's or recurrent strokes/
Our Team
We are experienced professionals in our field but we wouldn’t be where we are without those who support us. .
Our Motivation
Our project is for research purposes with academic aims, our driving force. It's the reason we get up every day and do what we do. Most importantly, it keeps pushing us to achieve bigger and better things with each new challenge.